Track Chair responsibilities
Track Chairs are the pillars of the Conference Program. As such, their commitment and spirit of collegiality are vital for the overall success of the event. Track Chairs will not only be responsible for the organization and delivery of their sessions but will also be expected to connect and communicate with authors throughout the whole process. We believe this to be a very important aspect in promoting a more engaged R&D Management Community.
Track Chairs will be required to commit to the following:
- Track Chair Proposal Submission:
The Track Chair will be responsible for providing all the information required by the deadline on 29 October, 2023. Incomplete proposals will be rejected.
- Inviting Reviewers:
The Track Chair is responsible for identifying and inviting appropriate reviewers, ensuring that they are aware of the timelines and completing the required reviews.
- Session Development:
Once the Conference Organizing Committee has notified a Track Chair that his/her proposal has been approved, a member of the Conference Organizing Committee will be assigned to liaise with the Track Chair. The Track Chair must provide information and implement actions requested by the Conference Organizing Committee. Failure to do so may result in the Track being withdrawn from the conference program.
Track Chairs will be responsible for:
- Promoting the Track to ensure that sufficient contributions are obtained that are of an appropriate quality and fit for the conference.
- Ensuring that the review process for potential contributions to the Track follows the guidelines that will be provided by the Conference Organizing Committee in due course. This will include identification, invitation, and management of reviewers for papers submitted for the Track.
- Participating in monthly meetings with the organizing committee. These meetings are meant to guide Track Chairs through the process and to give them updates about important developments and decisions. A schedule of these meetings will be provided in advance to all successful candidates.
- Session delivery: The Track Chair shall register and attend the conference and is responsible for ensuring that the Track (one or two sessions) is delivered as detailed in their proposals.
- Session follow-up: The Track Chair is responsible for ensuring that all follow-up actions as detailed in their proposal are completed.
The Conference Organizing Committee will evaluate proposals for Tracks against criteria that will include:
- Fit with the overall conference theme.
- Clarity of objective(s) for the Track.
- Clarity of process for eliciting high-quality submissions.
The Conference Organizing Committee may invite Track Chairs to collaborate in the case of multiple proposals with very similar themes.
The Conference Organizing Committee will make the decision on acceptance of Proposals for Tracks and will be final.
Abstract Review
You are expected to manage your Track’s review process using the Invajo Conference System.
Responsibilities of Track Chairs regarding the Abstract Review process include:
- Invite a sufficient number of relevant, competent and engaged reviewers. Each abstract must have at least two reviews.
- Provide accurate and timely information to the R&D Management Conference Committee about your reviewers.
- Provide the necessary instructions to reviewers to make sure that the reviewers evaluate the papers on time and provide constructive comments to the
- Once all reviews have been received, make the decision on abstracts to be accepted for inclusion in the conference.
Organizing the Session
- Select your preferred four papers for each session. Please note that you cannot include abstracts where you are one of the authors.
- Agree on the running order of papers in the session(s).
- Attend the conference and chair the session(s).
Visit the website for updates.
We look forward to seeing you at KTH in Stockholm, 17-19 June 2024!